On this photo i am with my friends and the dad of one of them, with them we was form a football team called "Jaime Krumel" in honor to a grandfather of one of my friend because it was played when he was young in " Perla del Pacifico" a neighborhood club in Huehuraba.

This pic was taken on 2017 by the mom of my friend on his room.

i like this pic because we was look happy about the creation of the team and with te buy of the uniforms to play. We sign up for a championship in the 7 Canchas de huechuraba and was played during three monts. We winning the the third place on that time, we returned to the compenato next year in 2018.

that are the shield of the football team (the letters on the top mean club Deportivo Jaime Krumel and the logo is basen on the naranja mecanica of Holland)


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