
My favorite things

One of my favorites song are El tesoro and Yes i'm changing by El mato a un policia motorizado & Tame impala because the rhythm are so relax and calm, i usually ear this song when i got a nap or when i on the bed lying, i listened that songs first time on youtube some years ago. Other thing that i like me is the lasaña, because i love the noodles and the pasta. this are my favorite food. the weekend are my favorites days because i get a break and i can time to make thing that really like me like that write, embroider, get out, see my family and things like that. my favorite station of the year is the winter because i feel that the raining days make great stories and memories, and te sun of january is unsupportable at leats in Santiago.


On this photo i am with my friends and the dad of one of them, with them we was form a football team called "Jaime Krumel" in honor to a grandfather of one of my friend because it was played when he was young in " Perla del Pacifico" a neighborhood club in Huehuraba. This pic was taken on 2017 by the mom of my friend on his room. i like this pic because we was look happy about the creation of the team and with te buy of the uniforms to play. We sign up for a championship in the 7 Canchas de huechuraba and was played during three monts. We winning the the third place on that time, we returned to the compenato next year in 2018. that are the shield of the football team (the letters on the top mean club Deportivo Jaime Krumel and the logo is basen on the naranja mecanica of Holland)

My favorite Music

The type of music i like is variated because i enjoy from rock to salsa, but i have my favorite song for genre. The music that i listened in my infancy are Kudai and reggaeton like plan B or DY (xd). By my sister i listened rap and hip hop music like Cypress Hill ,Psycho Realm and NWA. By my dad i listened rock music like Led Zeppelin <3 By my cousin i listened argentinian Rock like Cerati, Soda Stereo and Luis Alberto Spinetta, and El Mató a un policía motorizado My favourites song are La ciudad de la furia" unplugged version, Muchacha ojos de papel, El tesoro.

My favourite piece of technology

My Favourite piece of technology My cellphone is my favourite piece of technology because I use it frecuently in my day, I used to listen music, to talk with my friends or my classmates and play videogames. Another use to gave my phone is for reading and watch my mail or the university app. I bought my phone on october of the last year. I like me because is useful for my day to day life, of my entertaiment to my studies i use my phone more in the morning because i get more "free time" on the way to the U. that on the classroom, and i use it in my way back to my home, in the public transporting. Without my cell phone i get so boring because i dont have my favorite piece of technology for watch movies or read my pdf's and make my homework, and thats make me sad :(

Why did i choose social work ?

Why did I choose to study social work? since few years that i was interested the humanities and the idea of helping others so i investigate during my high school about humanities careers and social sciences. I found social work and i reado about this career and i liked and it call my attention. I gave the PSU and postulated to social work in the University of Chile. I was selected and went to study until today. Another thing that would i liked study is art history, or gastronomy. I would like to be a firefighter. My experience in the University has been good because i learned so much from the classes and my classmates about the social life and about see things from a critical perspective, although I still have a lot to have a more contemporary look.

About me

Hi, i am Guillermo. My birth date is february 2st  🎂 , i was born in Independencia, Santiago.  I studied in Colegio Mater Dolorosa in huechuraba´s commune , i was bad in the sciences but regulary in maths and good in history and lenguage & comunications, my nem its not so bad and i am decid to study social work in the university before make the PSU. Actually i studiying that career/profession. My hobbies are play football (sporadically) and make thing with my hands like "poetry" or embroidery and i like to listen new music. I like the dogs and the ice cream. and the roses. Now live in Independencia, around hippodrome, with my family.